Part 7: Complete Walkthrough - Fire
After freeing Hydros, you are told that maybe the
Sorcerer's can help you. Sorcery is also the last magic that you
have to master in order to be able to try and leave Pagan. On
your way there, Beren warns you against angering the Mages. You
take his advice, and enter the Enclave. There you learn of the
Cabal and, after an unfortunate death, an opening for a new
Sorcerer is given to you. You are once again put to the test to
see if you are worthy of controlling the magical ethers of Pagan.
- Recall to Carthax Lake and return to the Upper Catacombs
2. Head North through another electric gate (remember:
North is the upper right corner of your screen). Walk
around to the east to a gate with two metal walls in
front of it. There are 3 strategies you can try to get by
this. First, the easiest: If you look closely by the east
wall, you will find a hidden switch. It's hard to see,
but it is there. Pull this switch, and another door will
open. The second strategy is to stand on the first metal
door when it is down, then cast Aerial Servant on the
large lever. This next strategy is mostly just a pain in
the butt. You have to quickly pull the large lever back
and forth to get both walls to lower at the same time.
Sometimes the lever breaks, though, and then it's
useless. After you've gotten by this little puzzle, walk
straight to the edge of the lava and Beren will talk to
you. Cast Air Walk and jump to where Beren was first
standing. Make your way around to the southern side.
Follow the water's shoreline west until you can see the
other side. Jump across and head back east to a ledge.
Climb up, go through the cave, and you're now in
Sorcerer's Enclave or Daemon's Crag.
- Walk south then turn east where the road does and
activate the Recall Pad.
- Walk west to Bane's house. Enter and ask about the
Enclave, Morgaelin, current Sorcerers, Acolytes, the
First Acolyte, and whatever else you want. Ask about
Truenames. Agree to any tasks and learn her Truename. Go
west to Vardion's house. Say you go where you will then
apologize. Ask about the Fisrt Acolyte, dealings with
Tenebrae, shrewd bargainings, and whatever else you want.
Agree to any tasks and get his Truename. Reveal the
Truename to whoever you want and the other will die.
Malchir appears. Agree to any offers.
- Get the key from the current First Acolyte and go to the
Library on the NW corner. Read the books and when you
feel you are ready to be tested, take 3 of each reagent
(except Daemon Bone), three of each candle, any foci you
see, and return to the First Acolyte. Before you take the
test, you can ask him/her some useful information about
the Sorcery ritual. One of the most useful is when they
literally show you the names of each of the pentacle
points. Bane and Vardion also have reagents and Foci in
their homes you can use. Agree to take the test and
prepare Flame Bolt, Flash, and Endure Heat. If you leave
the house at anytime, the test is forfeit and you'll have
to start over.
You have past your first test and become a Disciple. Your
next test lies in the Obsidion Fortress. You'll meet someone you
thought was long gone, but turns out to be part of your test. In
the Fortress, the plaques you find tell you what spells you must
use to pass each test in order to gain the required symbol. Once
you have all the symbols, you return to the gate that brought you
there, and are sent to your final test
- The First Acolyte will send you to the Obsidion Fortress
to meet Malchir. Follow the road as far west as it goes,
and go over the bridges. The doors will open
automatically. Go through and face Malchir for the first
time. Run past the Daemons he summons to the next area.
- DO NOT attack or Banish the Daemon in this next area.
Talk to him instead. You'll find out he is the only
Daemon Sorcerer and a part of the test of the Obsidion
Fortress. (Those of you who have played Ultima 7 may
recognize Arcadion from the Forge of Virtue and Serpent
Isle, although he won't recognize you. Tell him you're
from Earth for an amusing response.) From Arcadion, learn
what you are to do in the Obsidion Fortress in order to
return and meet Malchir for your final test. Prepare the
following spells using Arcadion's Pentacle: Extinguish,
Ignite, Armor of Flames, Explosion, Summon Daemon, and
Banish Daemon. Walk onto the platform in the back, and
you will be Flashed to the Tests.
- Ghouls rise around the area where you entered in certain
places. You can do the tests in whatever order you want,
but this is the order I usually do:
- Extinguish: Walk south from the center
platform through the pillar passage, and turn west, then
south. You'll come to a plaque that reads, "An Flam,
Extinguish". Make your way past the red mushrooms, a
kith and sometimes a troll or seeker, and you'll come to
a flaming pentagram with a Magic Helm in the middle. Cast
Extinguish ON YOURSELF to douse all the flames. Take the
Helm and symbol and return to the hallway just after the
- Turn west, then north. The first turn to your west leads
to a mad Sorcerer. You can kill him and use his pentacle
for any spells you forgot to prepare for the test. He
also has the Conflagration spell set up. Take advantage
of it, as it's a harder spell to setup yourself. You'll
have to do several things before preparing it: Make sure
there is no Daemon Bone on the Sorcerer's body. If you
have Daemon Bone near a Pentacle, and it's not part of
the spell, you may accidentally summon a daemon that
attacks YOU! Also, there is an extra piece of Daemon Bone
near Perivolcan Pa and an extra piece of Brimstone at the
Aphelion. Move these away, or the spell will backfire.
- Endure Heat: Continue North past a kith
and turn West to a plaque that reads, "Sanct Flam,
Endure Heat". Fight or use Grant Peace on the undead
in the area. Make you're way through the maze of pillars
and stalagmites to the west and you will come to an
opening with a lava field to the south. Cast Endure Heat
and drop down onto the lava. Step ONLY on the orange
lava. Make your way south, jumping where you have to.
You'll come to a ledge to the west with a daemon on it.
Banish the Daemon and climb up. Get the Magic Armor and symbol.
Make your way back across the lava and back out to the
- Flash: Continue North then East to the
next plaque. It says, "Flam Por, Flash". Go
North. Flash across the the rolling spheres. Use
Intervention to get past the red mushroom fields to save
Flash charges. Banish the Daemon and get the awesome
Flame Sting. This is the
all-time, best weapon in the game! Go through another red
mushroom patch to the north. There may be a Seeker here.
Check out your new sword and kill it easily. :) Get the
symbol to the North. Make your way back out to the plaque
the same way you got in.
- Armor of Flames: Head east then south to
a turn to the east. Cast Armor of Flames before even
turing down it to read the plaque which reads, "Vas
Sanct Flam, Armor of Flames". Make your way to the
east. You'll know you're going the right way when you
pass an activated Daemon Talisman between 2 pillars. It
has Summon Daemon in it. Continue east and you'll come to
an open area. The Daemon Shield
is near the opening. It has the power of the Armor of
Flames spell. When you approach in, flames will erupt.
Grab it quick before an explosion throws it beyond reach.
The symbol is to the south.
- With all four symbols, return to the platform in the
center, and you will be teleported back to Arcadion. Talk
to him. He will direct you back to the platform again
which will now take you to Malchir. Malchir will test you
again. Cast Flame Bolt, Explosion, and Summon Daemon on
Malchir in that order. Banish his Daemon and you will be
taken to participate in the Ritual of Flame. Reminder:
If you remember, your teacher (Bane or Vardion) told you
to keep a red candle with you for this ceremony. If you
don't have one, grab one BEFORE you cast Summon Daemon on
Malchir from the back of his domain. Do as everyone
else does during the ceremony. Watch the confrontation
between Pyros and Malchir. If you've done everything
right, Malchir will praise you. If not, he will reprimand
you. He will also do this if you forgot a candle or
ignite spell. And if you REALLY screw up (forget both
things, and ask Malchir if you must kneel), you may even
set Pyros free!
You are now an Acolyte of the Cabal. From your teacher,
and watching the ceremony, you learned that the Blackrock
fragment called the Tongue of Flame is in Malchir's possesion.
You go to ask him if you can have it, but instead are made a more
powerful Sorcerer than you ever thought!
- After the Ceremony, the First Actolyte, whoever it may
be, is in the First Acolytes house (Vardion's original
- Go to Malchir again the same way you got to him before,
and he will attack you. Kill him and take the Tongue of
Flame from his body. Alse read the book about it on his
body. The end has a hint on what you should do with it.
- The Blade of Striking
is in a chest in the back. If you have Flame Sting, keep
it. It's more powerful.
- You are now the Master Sorcerer. Go talk to other 3
Acolytes, and watch the worship you. :)
- Walk onto the Great Pentacle, and the Fire Storms will
start. Make sure you pick up the Tongue of Flame
again after you get up!!.

"For what pathetic reason have you summoned me,