The magic of Pyros, this magic involves the manupulation of fire and destruction. An intricate ritual goes into preparing each spell involving a pentacele, reagents, candles, and foci. The reagents and candles must be placed carefully and appropriately for each spell. Only certain foci can be used for certain spells, but the more powerful the Focus, the more spells it can handle. Each focus can only contain one spell at a time, but may contain multiple charges depending on the spell and focus used. Mana is used only during the charging of the focue, not the casting.
Volcanic Ash Purpose: Flame Notes: The refuse of the volcano has the property of creating the initial spark of Fire
Pumice Purpose: Distance Notes: This rock, cast highest and farthest from the volcano, retains the etheric impetus built up in the flight.
Obsidion Purpose: Duration Notes: While seeming to be a fragile, easily broken substance, it endures the heat of the volcano.
Pig Iron Purpose: Protection Notes: Iron's hard yet versatile nature works in protective Sorcery as no other reagent can.
Brimstone Purpose: Power Notes: This is the rock that burns or, more to the point in Sorcery, explodes. A virtually limitless source of power dwells within its etheric composition.
Daemon Bone Purpose: Summoning/Binding Notes: Having taken a hint from the Necromancers, the Cabal found that Bone does, indeed retain its tie to life. It is even useful in the ritual of binding when enough power is at hand. Daemonic forces are summoned and controlled by use of this reagent.
Can only hold multiple charges of Ignite, Extinguish, Flash, and Flame Bolt.
Can only hold multiple charges of Ignite, Extinguish, Flash, Flame Bolt, Endure Heat,
Fire Shield, and Armor of Flames.
Same spells as a Rod, only it can hold many more charges, plus Create Fire
and Explosion. Only one (located with Malchir).
Daemon Talisman
Can hold multiple charges of Summon Daemon, Banish Daemon, and Conflagration.
Extinguish (An Flam)Effect: Douses candle flames (if cast on yourself, it will douse all candles in in area. Mana: 4-5 Foci: Symbol, Wand, Rod, or Staff Ignite (In Flam)
Effect: Lights a candle Mana: 3-4 Foci: Symbol, Wand, Rod, or Staff Flash (Flam Por)
Effect: Used to move from one place within sight to another, without actually traversing the intervening space. Cannot be used through walls or doors. Mana: 6-8 Foci: Symbol, Wand, Rod or Staff Flame Bolt (In Ort Flam)
Effect: Shoots as bolt of fire from the caster, severely burining the unlucky target of the Sorcerer's anger. Mana: 8-10 Damage: 4-12 Foci: Symbol, Wand, Rod or Staff Endure Heat (Sanct Flam)
Effect: Creates a glowing field that allows the Sorcerer to touch any non-magical flame and remain unhurt. With this spell, a Sorcerer can even endure the heat of lava if it is solid enough to walk on. Mana: 8-10 Duration: 2-3 minutes. The higher your intelligence, the longer it lasts. Foci: Symbol, Rod, or Staff Fire Shield (In Flam An Por)
Effect: Flames burst into existance and encircle the Sorcerer. No tangible creature execpt and daemon can pass through this barrier of fire, not even the Sorcerer (Flash must be used to get outside of it). Anyone foolish enough to try is thrown back and burned. Mana: 10-12 Duration: 2-3 minutes. The higher your intelligence, the longer it lasts. Foci: Symbol, Rod, or Staff Armor of Flames (Vas Sanct Flam)
Effect: Bathes the Sorcerer in a corona of magical flames that ward off all other Fires of a magical nature (Flame Bolt, Explosion, Fire Shield, Create Fire, Conflagration). Mana: 12-15 Duration: 1-3 minutes. The higher your intelligence, the longer it lasts. Foci: Symbol, Rod, or Staff Create Fire (In Flam Ylem)
Effect: A fire erupts around the target. Those who are foolish enough to remain in the blaze continue to suffer damage until they step out of the flames. Mana: 14-17 Damage: 1-3 every few seconds until the target escapes the flames Duration: 2-3 minutes. The higher your intelligence, the longer it lasts. Foci: Symbol or Staff Explosion (Vas Ort Flam)
Effect: Much like the Flame Bolt, but with considerably larger and more devasting effects. Mana: 16-19 Damage: 12-24 spread over the area around its detination. Foci: Symbol or Staff Summon Daemon (Kal Flam Corp Xen)
Effect: Summons a "common" daemon to attack one creature of the Sorcerer's choice. The dangerous nature of this spell lies in the fact that if no viction is specified just before the creature appears, the daemon will attack the Sorcerer. After accomplishing it's task the deamon will be "loose" unless banished. Mana: 18-23 Foci: Symbol or Daemon Talisman Banish Daemon (An Flam Corp Xen)
Effect: Usually returns a daemon to its home in the fire of the volcano. Unfortunately, even the most skilled Sorcerers have been known to attempt an unsuccessful banishment, which only draws the daemon's attention. Mana: 18-23 Foci: Symbol or Daemon Talisman Conflagration (Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen)
Effect: A malicious force of Fire manifests itself near the caster, where it then commences to wreak savage destruction on all things nearby. Mana: 22-27 Duration: About 20 seconds Foci: Symbol or Daemon Talisman